Collection: Natural soap

rethemo selects and produces only the best handmade natural soaps. The production of natural, organic products that are good for you and the environment is at the heart of rethemo's work.

We have soaps for different applications: natural soaps for hair, body and also for shaving.

The natural soaps are developed with only a few high-quality ingredients from the best organic ingredients. The ingredients are exclusively organic quality - this means ingredients that are grown biodynamically.

The soaps are processed cold, which means that valuable vitamins, minerals and active ingredients are retained. This is not always the case with natural soaps! In this case, they lose their good properties.

We have soaps with and without fragrances. The soaps with fragrances are all derived from natural essential oils such as orange and lavender. We use no palm oil, no plastic and all products are vegan.

The natural soaps are all made from pure and organic vegetable oils: laurel oil, babassu oil and olive oil.

Laurel oil

Bay oil is obtained by cold pressing bay leaves. The oil has an antiseptic and at the same time nourishing effect. It is therefore often used for skin impurities, but also for allergies or eczema. The leaves of the bay tree were already used in ancient times and the oil was said to have incomparable healing powers.

Babassu oil

Babassu oil is characterized by its high content of lauric acid. Babassu oil combats skin impurities and protects dry skin from moisture loss. It also contains a high proportion of vitamin E, which acts as an effective antioxidant and slows down natural cell aging. Only high-quality, cold-pressed babassu oil contains a high proportion of ingredients. Babassu oil is particularly recommended for facial and skin care, especially for dry, sensitive skin and dry hair.

olive oil

Olive oil is extracted from the pulp of organically grown olives and is a skin care oil that has been around for thousands of years. Cold-pressed, it contains the entire spectrum of active ingredients. It provides the skin with an extra portion of moisture and intensively nourishes dry skin areas. The high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and the high-quality ingredients such as vitamin E and various antioxidants can delay the aging process of the skin.

frequently asked Questions

1. What is natural soap?

Natural soap is made from natural ingredients such as plant oils, herbs and essential oils, WITHOUT synthetic additives or harsh chemicals. This makes it gentler.

2. Is natural soap good for the skin?

Yes, natural soap is good for the skin. It is made from natural ingredients that are gentle and nourishing, with no synthetic additives or harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin. Natural soap helps maintain the skin's natural moisture and balance, making it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive and dry skin. The natural oils moisturize and can help relieve skin problems.

2. Is natural soap suitable for sensitive skin?

Yes, natural soap is ideal for sensitive skin. Our natural soaps are formulated to be gentle and nourishing and do not contain common irritants found in many commercial soaps. Ingredients like olive oil, bay leaf oil and babassu oil help soothe and moisturize sensitive skin.

3. How should I store my natural soap?

To prolong the life of your natural soap, store it in a well-drained soap dish and allow it to dry between uses. Avoid storing the soap in standing water or in a humid environment, as this can cause the soap to soften and dissolve more quickly.

5. Can natural soap be used for purposes other than washing the body?

Absolutely! Natural soap is versatile and can be used for various cleaning purposes. It is good for washing hands, face and hair.